

FREE Unlimited add to carts / 1 month

Increase Etsy search ranking, visibility and perceived desire

Transform Your Etsy Shop into a Customer Magnet 🧲

Dynamic Cart Count Display
in 1 carts

What you will Get

Boosted Product Visibility

Elevate Your Shop’s Presence: Get Noticed by More Etsy Shoppers

Enhanced Perceived Popularity and Desirability

Create a Buzz: Turn Your Products into Etsy’s Most Wanted

Improved Conversion Rates and Sales

From Browsers to Buyers: Skyrocket Your Etsy Sales Conversion

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The reasons you are NOT getting the sales you want


NOT Standing Out in a Highly Competitive Market


NOT Having Optimal Engagement and Rank

Understanding the Etsy Shopping Experience​

Now that we’ve uncovered some key challenges you face as an Etsy seller, let’s switch perspectives. Imagine yourself as a potential customer on Etsy, looking for a product.

You’re opening the Etsy app with the intention of finding a beautiful, unique cover.

 You type ‘cover iphone‘ into the search bar, excited to see what unique items pop up. 


This is where the journey begins, and where the fate of countless Etsy listings, potentially including yours, is decided.

Hundreds of covers appear, as you seen the cover that most catch the eye, is the product with “in 20+ people’s basket“.



Clearly, factors like the product image, title, and the item itself are pivotal in influencing a buyer’s decision.


 However, it’s also important to recognize that we often gravitate towards purchasing items that others are buying. This social proof plays a subtle yet significant role in shaping our shopping choices.

I mention this because it could be one of the reasonson you're not achieving the sales you desire.

But not only that.

Etsy, similar to other major platforms, employs a sophisticated algorithm that decides which products to showcase over others.


This algorithm can be positively influenced by user engagement, which encompasses aspects like the number of product views and how often products are added to carts. 


These interactions serve as indicators to Etsy, signaling that a product is garnering interest. This, in turn, has the potential to boost the product’s visibility and improve its ranking on the platform.


Now that you understand the dual challenges of lacking visibility and the need to trigger Etsy’s algorithm for higher product rankings, imagine if there was a tool designed specifically for this purpose. Wouldn’t that be ideal? Well, such a tool does exist, and it’s called Etsyaddtocart.



With Etsyaddtocart, the process is as simple as sending a request. Once done, thousands of your products will be systematically added to carts, significantly enhancing the appeal of your shop. See the transformation for yourself – your shop will look something like this ↓

This service does more than just enhance your visibility, it boosts engagement for your products, aiding in elevating their rankings.

The result? A significant increase in sales opportunities for your Etsy shop.

The benefits of Etsyaddtocart are not just theoretical

Still skeptical?

We completely understand.

That’s why we’re offering you free access to our Unlimited Package for one month.

Limited time Offer!



Add to Carts
$ 0 First Month
  • Fast Execution
  • Create Urgency
  • Increase Etsy Search Ranking
  • Increase Product Page Conversion
  • Increase Sales by 30%
Best Value

✔️ No Credit card is required

Social Proof and Testimonials

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As a new seller on Etsy, getting noticed was my biggest hurdle. Etsyaddtocart changed that overnight! The increase in 'add to carts' boosted my visibility, and I made my first few sales much faster than expected. A must-try for any new Etsy store!"
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Not only did my search rankings improve, but the perceived popularity also attracted more genuine buyers. The tool is user-friendly, and the customer support is excellent. Etsyaddtocart is an indispensable asset for my Etsy business.
Indian Creations
Indian Creations
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I was skeptical at first, but Etsyaddtocart proved me wrong. The rise in my shop’s popularity was almost immediate, and my sales have doubled since I started using this tool. It's easy to use and incredibly effective. Highly recommend!
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Etsyaddtocart is a no-brainer for anyone serious about growing their Etsy business. The boost in 'add to carts' has directly translated to more sales and a better ranking. The difference in my shop's performance before and after using this tool is like night and day!
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Etsyaddtocart was the breakthrough I needed for my handmade crafts store. Initially, getting noticed was my biggest challenge, but this tool turned things around. My 'add to cart' numbers soared, leading to a significant increase in actual sales. The best part? It's incredibly simple to use. This service is a game changer for female entrepreneurs like myself on Etsy!

Some questions you may have

Etsyaddtocart enhances your shop’s visibility by automating ‘add to cart’ actions for selected products. This activity signals to Etsy’s algorithm that your items are popular, which can improve their ranking in search results and increase their exposure to potential buyers.

Absolutely! You have complete control over selecting which products from your shop receive the ‘add to cart’ boosts. This allows you to strategically focus on items that you want to promote or that need an extra visibility boost.

Results can vary depending on several factors, including the nature of your products, your shop’s overall appeal, and market trends. However, generally, users of Etsyaddtocart see an increase in search ranking visibility, perceived product popularity, and potentially, an increase in sales.

Etsyaddtocart offers various pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets. Starting from a free trial that gives you 20 ‘add to cart’ actions, our plans range up to an unlimited subscription. Each tier is designed to provide value and scalability for your Etsy shop’s growth.